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Not long ago, doctors started a fieldwork in the area of sexology, and there are very few of them who adventure themselves in this field and write about what they know. Among them, only a smaller number choose the delicate subject that Doctor Celso Marzano has chosen. Only after years of clinical work and with confidence on his work and on himself is that he chose to write about this human behavior matter.
It’s already been written that we, Brazilians, because of the importance that we give to this subject, are sodomites. If we are or not, there is no doubt: we are. The question isn’t even if we are more or less than other people. The question is that, in order to be a sodomite, we need to act wisely. And in this book we have an analysis, a guide, not with recipes and hygiene advices, but with a new light upon the secrets of the myth that surrounds anal sex.
Being impartial when it comes to delicate issues can challenge creativity and maturity. And reading this book, the reader will observe that the author owns both characteristics. And that’s rare among the elite that we have described at the beginning of this preface.
Taking responsible information, free of prejudice to those who are interested in the subject is not an easy task. People who are dedicated to sexology know how intensely this matter moves in society. Some religions used anal sex practice as an example of typical sinful human behavior. Feminists dressed it as the ultimate proof of the desire that sexists have for humiliating women.
This book studies the subject through the eyes of a constructive and guided sexology, not losing sight that the future will give this practice the destiny that the past wasn’t bold enough to foresee. In spite of this future, we have here a study that deserves to be read and analyzed as a new challenge to conquer over prejudices and make people aware of the motivations and consequences of sodomy.
Md. Eliezer Berenst
Sexologist’s word
Chapter 1
50 quickies: Questions and answers about anal sex
Chapter 2
Myths about anal sex
Myth 1: Pain
Myth 2: Preceding pain
Myth 3: Stool leakage after anal intercourse
Myth 4: Is orgasm possible during anal intercourse?
Myth 5: Perfect anal hygiene. How?
Myth 6: Is anal sex necessarily an act of domination?
Myth 7: Does anal sex always bring damage to the body?
Chapter 3
Variations, deviations and Paraphilia: Concepts
What is the concept of “normal” sexuality?
Sexual variation
Sexual Deviation
Chapter 4
Anal intercourse research: results and conclusions
Result with men
Result with women
Chapter 5
Anatomy and anal intercourse
Basic anatomy
Exercises to strengthen the Pubococcygeus muscle
Chapter 6
Anal sex: How to do it?
Pleasure and confidence
Using anesthetics with lubricant
Accessories with anesthetics
Anal stimulation and masturbation
Techniques and risks
Sex shops
Anal plugs
Foreign bodies in the rectum
Eroticizing and preventing by using condom
Oral sex
Safe and healthy oral sex
Anal sex: Penetration
Chapter 7
Positions for anal sex
Anal sex complications
Anal sex and pain
Double penetration
Basic position
Chapter 8
Worsening hemorrhoids
Does anal sex cause hemorrhoids?
Anal fissure
Relaxing anal musculature
What is STD?
Suggestions to avoid STDs
Chapter 9
Psychological aspects
Eroticism: male vs. female
A little of history
Homosexuality and social role in Ancient Greece
Repression from other cultures
Types of personality by Freud
Blooming feelings
Why is anal intercourse practiced?
Why is anal intercourse not practiced?
Chapter 10
Testimonies about anal sex practice
Testimonies from the internet
Testimonies from personal interview
Chapter 11
50 frequent questions about anal sex
Chapter 12
Definition of anus
Sodomy Law: Laws against sodomy
High Definition anuscopy or anal colposcopy
Difference between rape and Indecent assult
Appendix A
Interactivity and Research
Confidential Testimony